Content That Connects2
Picture of Kevin Noe

Kevin Noe

CEO / Creative Director

Content That Connects

We have all witnessed the rise of video content on the internet. The days of the perfect photo dominating social media have ended, and you must produce compelling video content to reach your targeted audience.

As someone who grew up addicted to media, I have reflected on what grabbed my attention and made me stick around and continue watching. It wasn’t a hook, and it wasn’t the top five things I needed to know and gotcha list. It was the story. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why hooks are necessary and grab people’s attention, but building lasting content is about the long term.

I have paid attention to social media marketing experts that have risen to “fame” because of social media content. The people I have watched have one thing in common – they all tell you the fundamentals of getting “views,” but each relies on a “good” story to keep you watching and interacting, and often that story they share is their own story.

Social media 2.0 has been about the individual voice. People that may have never had a microphone or an outlet now have the tools to reach the world. Social Media has added another tool for small businesses to gain followers and hopefully turn those followers into dollars. Two of the people I have enjoyed watching their internet rise are Rachel Pedersen and Donald Miller. Now, it must be noted that Donald Miller was a successful author before gaining more social media notoriety.

Rachel Pederson:

Photo courtesy of

Rachel Pedersen became an internet phenomenon. The self-proclaimed college dropout who went from welfare to marketing celebrity provides content and free workshops to help aspiring freelancers find success. Her social media career has earned her more than a million followers on TikTok, 128K on YouTube, and 170k on Instagram. This doesn’t include her Facebook group page that lets freelancers connect and share tips.

If you watch, Rachel Pedersen’s content will give you multiple tips she has used to grow her social media following and build her business. She also has branded herself as a “real person,” and part of that brand is sharing her own story along the way. Now, not knowing Rachel Pedersen, I can’t say if that is the “real” Rachel Pedersen or not. I can say that Pedersen gives her followers enough of her “real life” to feel like they know her personally. She tells a story, making followers feel like they know her, which builds a connection. That connection is powerful in selling her services, speaking engagements, and even her new book.

Donald Miller:

Donald Miller, StoryBrand CEO and author, has built a business telling aspiring marketers and business owners how to use the power of the story to build a business. With books such as “Building A Story Brand,” “Business Made Simple,” and “Marketing Made Simple,” to name a few, Miller has guided his readers to understand that their business is not the hero of the story but that the client is the hero. Personally, I like his analogy that businesses are the Yoda, and the client is Luke Skywalker. Like Pedersen, Miller has used social media’s power to extend his business’s reach. Miller has 107K followers on Instagram, 129K on Facebook, and 10.8K on Twitter. Miller does not share the volume of personal information that Pedersen does, but he still gives followers a look into his life. A glance at his Facebook page shows adorable photos of his child, family events, and more.

Why is this so important?

All the tips the marketing gurus share have value, but the advice we should take away from their social media presence is to be authentic and share your own story. People want to know that you are a real person and are not trying to just “market to them or get a sale.”

Both of these social media influencers showcase the power of the story. So, if you are a social partitioner, a large company, or a brand, you must learn to tell your story.

Here are a few videos for your website and content themes for social media you are trying to incorporate.

Introduction Video or connect

Don’t take it for granted that your clients, customers, and targeted audience know who you are or the full scale of what your organization has to offer.  SHOW THEM!

Company Culture Video

Let us show, not just tell! Let your clients and customers see what is behind the door. People like knowing that your staff and partners enjoy being part of your company. If you have a happy work environment, give people a peek and put a human face to your product.

Let the viewer see what makes your business so unique!

Testimonial video

People will believe other people before they believe you. So, if you have happy clients or customers, let people speak on your behalf. Let people tell and show others how your services or products solved a problem or made their lives easier.

Educational Content

In an “educational way,” show people what your products do and how they can be used, or simply give them helpful information that could help benefit their business.

Product Demo

SHOW, SHOW, SHOW! Produce entertaining and informative content demonstrating what your products and services can do for them.

In every video or produced content, work to connect with your followers. Ask them to connect and reach out for more information. Make your “call to action” personable and inviting. Above all, remember it is essential to connect and build a community and a relationship with your followers and that your organization is here to solve your client’s problems and needs.

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